Sunday Worship Services

8:00 AM & 10:30AM (The 10:30 service is also live-streamed and recorded on our Facebook page.)

Our worship style includes liturgy and hymns from the Lutheran Service Book as well as some contemporary music including guitar and other instruments. For folks who grew up with hymnals and organ music, this type of worship will feel very familiar. For those who did not; don't worry! The order of worship including liturgy and hymns is printed in a weekly booklet format and projected on screens to make it easy for everyone to follow along. Congregants respond to liturgy and sing where indicated.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is administered each week toward the end of the service. Visit the "What We Believe" page for more information.



Chapel services are held every Wednesday at 8:15 AM in the Sanctuary on school days. Children of our school and early childhood have active participation of singing and reciting Bible verses assigned weekly to different classes and age groups. School age children wear uniforms on this day. The dress is casual for everyone else.

Sunday Morning Fellowship: Coffee and Donuts 9:00 AM-9:15 AM
Sunday Morning Bible Study and Sunday School 9:15 AM-10:15 AM

  • Free Nursery Provided-2 yrs and under
  • Sunday School classes through 8th grade
  • Adult Bible Studies:

    • Large Group-Senior Pastor (Also live-streamed on our Facebook page)
    • Small Group-Lay Leader
    • Ladies’ Class-Lay Leader

  • Small Groups

    • Weekday Bible Study - Thursdays 11:00 AM (Senior Pastor)(Also live-streamed and recorded on our Facebook page) Doesn’t meet in Summer
    • Men’s Fellowship 
    • LWML - Lutheran Women’s Missionary League